English translation for "indigenous studies"
- 本土研究
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Welcome to college of indigenous studies , donghua university 欢迎莅临国立东华大学原住民民族学院 | | 2. | The indigenous study and the cross - cultural study in sport psychology 体育运动心理学的本土化研究与跨文化研究 | | 3. | We are proud to offer world class degrees with a strong industry focus in business , environmental and health sciences , indigenous studies , education , law and a broad range of the arts 我们为能给您提供高质量的世界水准的课程而骄傲,这些课程集中在商业、环境和健康科学、本土研究、教育、法律以及广泛的文科类科目。 | | 4. | The study of adolescent social self - concept is the objective need of the their mental health development , reflecting the deep study trend of self - concept . it is also the urgent need of realization of the indigenous study on self - concept 研究青少年社会自我是其心理健康发展的客观需要,是自我概念研究向纵深方向发展的具体表现,也是自我心理学研究本土化的迫切要求。 |
- Similar Words:
- "indigenous plant" English translation, "indigenous population" English translation, "indigenous soil" English translation, "indigenous species" English translation, "indigenous streams" English translation, "indigenous technique" English translation, "indigenous technological capability" English translation, "indigenous technological capacity" English translation, "indigenous technology" English translation, "indigenous tree species" English translation