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English translation for "indigenous studies"


Related Translations:
indigenous inhabitant:  本地居民香港原居民新界原居民
indigenous streams:  原地河流
indigenous technology:  土技术
indigenous method:  土办法土方法, 土法
indigenous impurities:  内在杂质
indigenous people:  土著人民
indigenous energy:  本地能源
indigenous involvement:  土著居民的参与
indigenous capital:  本国资本
indigenous australians:  澳大利亚原住民澳洲土著澳洲原住民
Example Sentences:
1.Welcome to college of indigenous studies , donghua university
2.The indigenous study and the cross - cultural study in sport psychology
3.We are proud to offer world class degrees with a strong industry focus in business , environmental and health sciences , indigenous studies , education , law and a broad range of the arts
4.The study of adolescent social self - concept is the objective need of the their mental health development , reflecting the deep study trend of self - concept . it is also the urgent need of realization of the indigenous study on self - concept
Similar Words:
"indigenous plant" English translation, "indigenous population" English translation, "indigenous soil" English translation, "indigenous species" English translation, "indigenous streams" English translation, "indigenous technique" English translation, "indigenous technological capability" English translation, "indigenous technological capacity" English translation, "indigenous technology" English translation, "indigenous tree species" English translation